Live With Awareness of God's Providence
Live With Awareness of God's Providence
Ruth 1:19-2:7 Live With Awareness of God’s Providence
God’s Providence in the Life of Ruth and Naomi
What choices have been made up to this point?
What was the result of Elimelech’s choices?
What was the result of Naomi’s choices?
How does Naomi acknowledge God’s Providence?
How does Naomi honestly recount her troubles? 1:20-21
How does Naomi show that she’s aware that her bitter things were from the Lord? 1:13,20-21
Is God’s Providence uninvolved in your hard times?
How could you respond to adversity like Naomi and Job? Job 1:21; 2:10
How does Naomi also see that God’s hand is involved in His Fatherly care of His own? 1:21
How is the Lord’s mercy seen in His care for Naomi and her people? 1:22 (also 1:6)
How is Ruth herself part of God’s Harvest? 1:22; 2:2,6 with Genesis 22:18
What aspect of God’s providential provision are Naomi and Ruth not aware of yet?
What is God in His Providence doing behind the scene?
Does Ruth come to Boaz’ field “by chance”? 2:3 with Proverbs 16:33; Matthew 10:29-31
What insight does this give you into God’s working behind the scenes in your life?
Knowing that God’s Providence is Working Behind the Scene, What responsibilities Do you Have?
Deuteronomy 29:29
If God is in control, what should you pray? 1:8-9
To whom should you return? Matthew 6:33
What gracious law should you obey? 2:2,6 Exodus 20:12
What indicates that when you know God is in control you should work hard and thus be fruitful?
What gracious law had God given to provide for the poor and widows? 2:2; Leviticus 19:9,10;
Deuteronomy 24:18-19
How does God’s wise law require both generosity and work? II Thessalonians 3:10-13
How is this different than socialistic communism?
Who must your heart want to please? (As God’s Providence unfolds, what should you be doing?)
How can you be like Boaz who lives in God’s presence at his work? 2:1,4
How can you be like Ruth, who doesn’t just do what is right in her own eyes? Judges 21:25