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Showing records 211 through 240.

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II Samuel 15:1-14, 30-31, 37; Psalm 4

6/17/2018 Pastor David Cummings  A Father's Testimony: How to Have Peace Without a Percocet Pill 

In These Hard Times—Tell Others the Good News!

8/23/2020 David Cummings  In These Hard Times—Tell Others the Good News! 

Isaiah 39:1-40:11; II Chronicles 32:24-31

6/23/2019 Pastor David Cummings  Find Rest in an Age of False Promises: I Receive God's Comfort for His People 

Isaiah 42:1-13; 43:1-3, 7

7/7/2019 Pastor David Cummings  Rest in the Zeal of God's Servant for You 

Isaiah 44

7/21/2019 Pastor David Cummings  Finding Rest in an Age of False Promises IV: No God But God! 

Jeremiah 2:1-13

8/20/2017 Guest speaker Elder Ben Sutherland  Homemade Religion 

Jeremiah 29:1-14

9/9/2018 Pastor David Cummings  Solid Hope for Life In Dickenson County While You Wait 

John 1:1, 2, 14-18

1/8/2017 Pastor David Cummings  In Jesus We Receive the Glory of God's Grace and Truth 

John 1:1-13

12/18/2016 Pastor David Cummings  Jesus Source of Light 

John 1:1-8, 14

12/11/2016 Pastor David Cummings  Jesus Christ Source of Life 

John 1:14

12/25/2016 Pastor David Cummings  Jesus, The Eternal Word, Made Flesh for You 

John 1:24-34; 3:23-26; 4:1-2

3/26/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Jesus the Baptizer 

John 1:35-42; Luke 5:1-11; Matthew 4:18-20

1/14/2010 Pastor David Cummings  The Possibility of Your Growth! Christ's Grace Makes Your Growth Certain 

John 1:35-51

1/22/2017 Pastor David Cummings  The All-Seeing Jesus Begins His Ministry Among Us 

John 10: 19-30

8/6/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Living in The Good Shepherd's Hand 

John 10:1-10

7/23/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Jesus and His Sheep 

John 10:11-18

7/30/2017 Pastor David Cummings  The Good Shepherd 

John 10:26-39

8/27/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Jesus Bases Divinity on the Bible 

John 11:1-24

9/3/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Jesus' Love Sovereign Over Pain 

John 11:21-43

9/10/2017 Pastor David Cummings  A Five Word Summary: Jesus: Sympathizing Resurrection and Life 

John 11:45-57

9/17/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Jesus Christ: Brings the Scattered Into One 

John 11:57- 12:11

9/24/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Will you be Greedy Like Judas or a Thankful Worshipper Like Mary? 

John 12: 20-27

10/8/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Christ's Pattern for Our Growth 

John 12:20-23, 28-40

10/22/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Jesus Christ: Lifted Up to Draw All to Himself 

John 12:26-36; Isaiah 6

11/5/2017 Pastor David Cummings  The Glory of God in Jesus 

John 13:1-20

11/19/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Jesus, Our Example of Christian Hospitality 

John 13:21-35

11/26/2017 Pastor David Cummings  How Will Others Know We Are Disciples of Jesus? 

John 13:36-14:11

12/3/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Wonderful Counselor for Our Troubled Souls 

John 14:10-24

12/10/2017 Pastor David Cummings  Are you Living Like an Orphan or as God's Child? 

John 14:23-31

12/17/2017 Pastor David Cummings  HowClose Can Jesus' Peace Be To You? 

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Showing records 211 through 240.